• February 22, 2023 10:12 AM | Becca Liebers

    With Wisconsin ophthalmologists facing a potential scope battle during the 2023-24 legislative session – as optometrists appear committed to expand their scope of services to include laser surgery – the WAO Government Affairs Team is keeping a close eye on Ophthalmology vs Optometry scope battles playing out in other states.

    There are numerous states that have already expanded their optometric scope of practice laws to specifically include certain office-based laser procedures for glaucoma and post-cataract care. In addition, there are efforts currently underway in other states to pass similar optometric “scope creep” laws. Please find below a brief snapshot of what is happening with this growing threat to medical eye care across the country:

    • South Dakota – The South Dakota Senate recently passed legislation (SB 87) – on a 26-9 vote – that would expand the  optometry practice scope in the state. More specifically, the legislation would authorize optometrists to perform laser surgery, including capsulotomy, peripheral iridotomy, selective laser trabeculoplasty, and corneal crosslinking. It would also allow ODs to administer injections around the eye, remove lid lesions, use a local anesthetic for lesion removal, and prescribe pharmaceutical agents. The bill is now under further consideration in the South Dakota House.
    • Washington – In the state of Washington, a key senate committee recently passed legislation (SB 5389) that would authorize ODs to remove lumps and bumps from the eyelids, prescribe oral steroids, administer injections around the eye, and perform laser surgeries such as YAG capsulotomy and selective laser trabeculoplasty.
    • Nebraska – A bill (LB 216) has been introduced and heard by a key committee in the Nebraska Legislature that would allow optometrists to perform selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT) for the treatment of glaucoma.
  • February 22, 2023 10:04 AM | Becca Liebers

    In the closely watched Feb. 21 primary for the Wisconsin Supreme Court – which centered on the issue of abortion after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022 – liberal-leaning Milwaukee County Judge Janet Protasiewicz and conservative former Supreme Court Justice Daniel Kelly captured the most votes in the four-way race and will face-off in the April 4 general election. Protasiewicz took 46% of total votes cast, with Kelly coming in a distant second, capturing 24% of the votes. The winner of the general election will decide the ideological direction of the 7-seat high court, which is currently controlled 4-3 by conservative-leaning justices.

    The other high-profile primary race saw Republican state Rep. Dan Knodl (R-Germantown) defeat fellow state Rep. Janel Brandtjen in the GOP primary for the 8th WI Senate District. Knodl will face Democrat Jodi Habush Sinykin in the April 4 spring election for the chance to replace former Republican Sen. Alberta Darling, who left office in Dec. 2022 after holding the senate seat for three decades. If Knodl ultimately wins the seat, Republicans will hold a veto-proof majority in the senate.

  • February 22, 2023 9:59 AM | Becca Liebers

    Earlier this month, Gov. Tony Evers announced his appointment of Kirsten Johnson as the next secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS). Johnson, who begins her new role on Feb. 27, will replace former Secretary Karen Timberlake’s who left the state agency at the end of 2022. 

    According to a press release issued by the governor’s office, Johnson has over 20 years of experience as a public health leader in local, state, national, and international organizations. Most recently, she served as the health commissioner for the city of Milwaukee following her appointment in January 2021. Prior to serving the city of Milwaukee, Johnson led the Washington-Ozaukee Public Health Department for more than a decade as the director and health officer. Johnson also served as a health policy fellow and advisor for U.S. Congressman Ron Kind and helped develop policy for the House Committee on Ways and Means. 

    “Over the past 20 years of my career in public health, I have worked to address the challenges and health disparities facing Wisconsin’s rural, urban, and suburban communities alike—disparities that were laid bare by the pandemic,” said Johnson. “I am excited and honored to join Gov. Evers’ administration to lead DHS, where I look forward to using my expertise and knowledge to continue this important work.” 

    Johnson has her master’s degree in public health from Tulane University of Public Health and Tropical Medicine and holds certifications as a public health professional and certified education specialist.

  • February 22, 2023 9:37 AM | Becca Liebers

    Gov. Tony Evers Unveils 2023-25 State Budget Proposal
    The spending bill includes healthcare workforce Initiatives; Medicaid expansion

    Earlier this month, Governor Tony Evers introduced his 2023-25 Biennial Budget proposal – the state’s two-year spending plan – before a Joint Session of the Wisconsin Legislature. The Legislature’s Joint Finance Committee met shortly afterwards to formally introduce the bill.

    As was the case with the governor’s previous budget proposals, the Republican-controlled Legislature is expected to essentially scrap most of the Evers budget and craft their own version by working off current spending levels. However, it is likely the Legislature will adopt some of the governor’s initiatives.

    According to Evers, his budget includes proposals that would increase access to affordable healthcare coverage, improve the quality of healthcare services in the state, and expand the scope of benefits available through Medicaid. Please find below a brief overview of items included in governor’s budget proposal that may be of interest to WAO members and the greater healthcare community:

    • Expand Medicaid eligibility for parents and adults from 100% of the federal poverty line ($27,750 annually in 2022 for a family of four) to 138% of the federal poverty line ($38,300 annually in 2022 for a family of four). According to the Evers Administration, this expansion would result in 89,700 low-income individuals becoming eligible for Medicaid, of which approximately 30,300 are uninsured. Under this proposal, the state would realize a savings of over $1.6 billion and draw down an additional $2.2 billion in federal funding over the two-year budget cycle. Republicans who control the Legislature are firmly opposed to this proposal.
    • Provide $200 million in additional funding for Wisconsin Innovation Grants, a current program previously funded with federal dollars to design and implement plans to address workforce challenges. This proposal includes a $100 million allocation to specifically focus on fortifying the state’s healthcare workforce by providing grants to healthcare employers and related organizations.
    • Provide $10 million to expand the state’s nurse educators program.
    • Provide over $900,000 to the Department of Workforce Development to support healthcare profession apprenticeship curriculum development and to advance new collaborations related to healthcare workforce.
    • Provide nearly $4 million and increased staffing to the Department of Safety and Professional Services to streamline the state’s credentialling process for licensed professionals and provide more efficient processing of license applications.

    The Legislature will take roughly a month to review the bill before the formal budget process begins. In late March or early April, the Joint Finance Committee (JFC) will hold informational hearings on the bill with testimony from state agencies. This will be followed by a series of public hearings on the budget around the state. Beginning in May, JFC will begin meeting two or three times per week to take up and vote on individual budget provisions, with the goal of completing their work in early June. The legislation will then be considered and voted on by the full Legislature, with lawmakers aiming to pass it and send it to Gov. Evers before the end of the current fiscal year on June 30.

    Below you will find links to Gov. Evers’ Budget Address, a “Budget in Brief” Summary Document, the full Executive Budget Document, and a copy of the actual legislation:

    The WAO Government Affairs Team continues to fully analyze the recently introduced budget bill and will keep the membership updated throughout the budget process.

  • January 24, 2023 9:15 AM | Becca Liebers

    Consistent and focused advocacy is critical to the long-term viability of ophthalmology and the delivery of quality medical eye care in Wisconsin. And the WAO is an active force in Madison working on issues of importance to WAO members that impact the practice ophthalmology. Our comprehensive advocacy program aims to:

    1. Strengthen the image of the practice of ophthalmology and educate policymakers on the importance of medical eye care; and
    2. Provide public policy leadership to enhance the practice of ophthalmology and ensure high standards for medical eye care are maintained in Wisconsin.

    Of course, our most effective advocacy efforts aim to engage WAO members to capitalize on their medical expertise and experience– including creating opportunities for our physician members to meet with their local lawmakers.

    In fact, now is the time for you to build relationships with your state lawmakers ahead of scope battles that are likely to unfold during the 2023-24 session of the Wisconsin Legislature. Optometrists could very well pursue legislation to expand their permissible scope of services in Wisconsin, as they have in several other states. In fact, there are now ten states – with Virginia and Colorado being the latest—that have expanded their optometric scope of practice laws to specifically include certain office-based laser procedures for glaucoma and post-cataract care. There are also current efforts underway in Nebraska and Washington state to pass similar optometric “scope creep” laws. Wisconsin could be the next target…

    In addition, nursing special interests will almost certainly reintroduce their “APRN bill” – a proposal to create a new advanced practice nurse practitioner (APRN) license and authorize APRNs to prescribe medication and generally practice an expanded scope of care without direct physician supervision. A similar proposal introduced last session ignored the need for critical title protection for physicians. 

    In WAO’s ongoing effort to raise the profile of ophthalmology and our organization in the State Capitol, we have established our Capitol Connection program to encourage WAO members to invite their local legislators to visit their clinics and facilities.

    The program is designed to help WAO members build and strengthen working relationships with legislators and offers a unique face-to-face opportunity to educate them about the importance of ophthalmology and medical eye care. Through the Capitol Connection program, lawmakers can learn firsthand what is important to the ophthalmology community. In many cases, just a single meeting or contact can have a significant impact on a legislator's view or position on a legislative issue.

    With potential scope of practice legislative battles on the horizon, it’s more important than ever for WAO members to connect with their state lawmakers to discuss the critical role of ophthalmology, as well as the level of education, training, and knowledge required of ophthalmologists.

    To date, we have held multiple successful legislative tours and have several more being planned for the near future. Hosting a legislator at your site is easy, enjoyable, and can make a significant advocacy impact, so we would encourage all WAO members to participate in this highly effective advocacy program.

    If you would like to host a legislative tour at your site, please contact the WAO office at wao@badgerbay.co. We will work with you and your legislators to coordinate the meeting and will provide full support, including legislator bios, advocacy tips, issue briefings, and supporting documents. 

  • January 24, 2023 9:14 AM | Becca Liebers

    Fierce Healthcare – By Frank Diamond | Jan 6, 2023

    Noncompete agreements have become so ubiquitous that a proposed rule published by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) yesterday will affect almost all industries, experts say.

    Healthcare will be no exception, Carrie Amezcua, an attorney with the law firm Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, told Fierce Healthcare. She said healthcare industry executives should keep a close eye on the debate about the rule.

    The public has 60 days to submit comments before the FTC can make it final.

    “It could still change—it could still be challenged actually—because it goes too far from what the FTC has the authority to do,” said Amezcua, who usually represents employers in disputes over noncompete agreements.

    Backlash to the rule has already begun. In a statement, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce called the regulation "blatantly unlawful."

    The rule falls under Section 5 of the FTC Act, which bans unfair methods of competition. So, not-for-profit healthcare systems would not be covered by the rule, said Amezcua.

    “For physicians, if they are working directly for a hospital, and that hospital is a nonprofit, that hospital is not actually covered by the FTC act. So that hospital is not subject to this rule,” said Amezcua.

    About 45% of primary care physicians employed by group practices are bound by noncompete agreements, according to one survey (PDF) by researchers from various universities. 

    Amezcua added: “Insurers are not exempt from the FTC Act. They would be subject to this rule in its final form. And right now, it is written as a complete ban on noncompete agreements, post-employment. You could still have a noncompete during your employment. But you can’t have the provision that says you can't work for another company for two years after you leave.”

    Once used to keep high-level executives and salespeople from running off to competitors with sensitive and proprietary company information and clients, the agreements have evolved to a point where many workers making minimum wage at fast food establishments aren’t able to change jobs because they’d signed a noncompete agreement.

    The FTC said employees often agree under duress: Either sign or lose your job.

    Elizabeth Wilkins, the FTC’s director of the office of policy planning, said in a statement that “the proposed rule would ensure that employers can’t exploit their outsized bargaining power to limit workers’ opportunities and stifle competition.”

    If enacted, the rule would boost wages by about $296 billion a year, according to the FTC.

    Echoing Amezcua’s remarks about FTC overreach, Sean Heather, the Chamber's vice president for international regulatory affairs and antitrust, said in the statement that “Congress has never delegated the FTC anything close to the authority it would need to promulgate such a competition rule.”

    Kristen Limarzi, a partner at Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, was once a senior official in the antitrust division of the Department of Justice. Limarzi told Fierce Healthcare that she’s not convinced by the economic research the FTC used to justify the rule.

    Limarzi said that “FTC Commissioner Christine Wilson argued in her dissent that the empirical evidence is more mixed and that studies show noncompete provisions can incentivize employer investment in things like worker training that ultimately benefits both employers and workers. The impact of a noncompete in any particular industry is likely quite fact specific. But the FTC rule would impose a nationwide ban.”

    But Heather also said that “attempting to ban noncompete clauses in all employment circumstances overturns well-established state laws which have long governed their use and ignores the fact that, when appropriately used, noncompete agreements are an important tool in fostering innovation and preserving competition.”

    However, evidence seems to be mounting that states will not side with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce when it comes to noncompete agreements, and in fact, might impose even more restrictions than the FTC rule would.

    The proposed rule “is a floor and not a ceiling,” said Amezcua. “So, some states have even more restrictions right now, like California, on noncompete agreements. That would stay and be enforceable regardless of what the final rule says.”

    North Dakota and Oklahoma also, in effect, ban noncompete agreements. Some states—such as Illinois, Colorado and New Jersey—have not out-and-out banned noncompete agreements yet have nonetheless made them much harder for employers to defend.

    New Jersey legislators introduced a bill that caps noncompete agreements at a year post-termination and would make employers pay the former employee their full salary, including benefits, for that year unless the employee had been fired for misconduct.

    In other words, everybody—not just the top executives making millions of dollars—would get a golden parachute, or at least be afforded a soft landing.

    In a tweet, President Joe Biden praised the rule.

    "For decades, I’ve fought for the notion that if your employer wants to keep you, they need to make it worth your while with good pay and benefits," Biden said in the post. "Consistent with my Executive Order, today's FTC announcement to limit non-compete agreements is a huge win for workers."

    Fierce Healthcare reached out to America’s Health Insurance Plans, the Alliance of Community Health Plans, the American Medical Association and the Association for Community Affiliated Plans for comment on the potential rule's impacts on the industry and had not received a response at the time of publication.

  • January 24, 2023 9:14 AM | Becca Liebers
    • Legislative Session

    Both the State Senate and the State Assembly were on the floor this month, but only dealt with limited calendars. Both houses adopted an amendment to the constitution relating to bail imposed on defendants awaiting trial, as well as a resolution to create an advisory referendum to be held at the April non-partisan election on the issue of whether individuals receiving public assistance should be subject to a work requirement. The proposed constitutional amendment will also go before voters (to approve or deny) in April.

    • Protasiewicz with Early Supreme Court Fundraising Lead

    The first campaign finance reports for WI Supreme Court candidates were due earlier this month, and Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge Janet Protasiewicz reported raising $756,000 in the last 6 months of last year, more than doubling her next closest competitors.  Waukesha County Circuit Court Judge Jennifer Dorow raised $306,000, former Supreme Court Justice Dan Kelly raised $312,000 and Dane County Circuit Court Judge Everett Mitchell raised $115,000.  The four face off in a primary in February, with the top two vote getters moving on to the April General Election.  While the Supreme Court is nonpartisan, its members do loosely line up along ideological lines, with Conservatives holding a 4-3 advantage. For Conservatives to maintain their majority, either Dorow or Kelly would need to win the April Election.

    • Legislative Republicans circulate Tax Proposals

    Legislative Republicans have proposed two bills early this session focusing on tax cuts, fulfilling campaign promises from last fall.  Earlier this month, Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu circulated a bill that would phase in a flat tax over the next four years.  The State currently has four income tax brackets, and if this bill were to pass, everyone in Wisconsin would be paying a rate of 3.25%, down from 7.65%, which is what taxpayers in the upper bracket are currently paying.  Governor Evers has said he does not support this proposal, although he is likely to introduce his own income tax relief proposal in his budget bill.

    Republicans have also re-introduced legislation to eliminate the personal property tax in Wisconsin.  While Evers vetoed a bill to repeal the personal property tax last session, Republicans hope a compromise on the issue can be reached this session.

    • Medicaid Budget Surplus

    The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) recently announced the state’s Medicaid program is now projected to finish the fiscal year with a $774.8 million surplus, roughly $270 million more than what was expected late last year. Former DHS Secretary Karen Timberlake, who stepped down from her post earlier this month, attributed the surplus to several factors, including the federal government’s continuation of enhanced reimbursement rates and reduced costs for prescription drugs. Given the nearly $300 million upper to the Medicaid fund, the state is expected to finish the current fiscal year with an overall budget surplus of close to $6.9 billion.

  • January 24, 2023 9:14 AM | Becca Liebers

    Earlier this month, the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) voted to urge Congress to increase 2024 Medicare payments for physicians.

    More specifically, MedPAC recommended increasing physician reimbursement under the 2024 Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) at 50% of the Medicare economic index (MEI),  which would result in a 1.25% boost to payments for 2024. 

    The panel also recommended add-on payments under the PFS (15% for primary care and 5% for specialty care) for services provided to the low-income Medicare population. 

  • January 24, 2023 9:12 AM | Becca Liebers

    From the Desk of the AAO: Year-End Spending Bill Addresses Other Academy Priorities

    American Academy of Ophthalmology – January 5, 2023

    In its last act as the 117th Congress, lawmakers passed an omnibus spending bill that did more than address scheduled physician payment cuts. Along with funding the government programs over the next year the bill also enacts new policies related to health care — including funding for vision research and extending telehealth provisions.

    The Academy has analyzed over 4,000 pages of legislative text. Here are other provisions that could affect ophthalmology over the next year.

    National Eye Institute and Vision Research Funding

    The spending bill included important increases for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Eye Institute (NEI) that we advocated for in 2022.

    The bill provides $47.5 billion for NIH, a $2.5 billion increase over the fiscal year 2022 level, and includes $896.5 million for NEI, an increase of $32.6 million.

    Congress also provided $20 million in funding for the Vision Research Program, which is the only dedicated funding source for extramural research into military deployment-related vision trauma.

    In keeping with the Academy’s commitment to ensure the highest quality eyecare for military service members and veterans, we have joined the broader vision community to continue to advocate for Vision Research Program funding, and the omnibus legislation maintains the fifth consecutive year of level funding for this important program.

    Congress established the program in 2009 to fund effective military-relevant vision research with the potential to significantly improve the health care and well-being of service members, veterans and the public.

    Telehealth Provisions

    It also keeps in place public health emergency waivers, including:

    • Allowing the originating site to include any site at which the patient is located, including the patient's home
    • Expanding eligible practitioners to furnish telehealth services to include occupational therapist, physical therapist, speech-language pathologist and audiologist
    • Extending the ability for federally qualified health centers and rural health clinics to furnish telehealth services
    • Providing Medicare Part B coverage and payment for audio-only telehealth services

    The Department of Health and Human Services will be required to submit a report to Congress on utilization of services. The interim report is due in October 2024 and the final report in April 2026.

    Food and Drug Administration

    Although Congress members included a number of Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-related policies in the bill, we were disappointed that they did not include language to restore the longstanding approval process for ophthalmic drugs that we had advocated for.

    The Academy had sought legislative language to address a significant change in the FDA’s regulatory framework that no longer allows the agency to regulate products that incorporate a device solely as a drug product. The language would have clarified that any drug packaged in an eye cup, eye dropper or other noninvasive or nonimplanted dispenser is to be regulated as a drug and not a combination product.

    Such language was included in S 4348, the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Landmark Advancements Act, which advanced out of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee last year.

  • December 21, 2022 1:21 PM | Anonymous

    Hello WAO members. I wish you were hearing from me with better news, but unfortunately, I have some concerning information to share with you. The WAO is aware that seminars are being offered in Wisconsin to train optometrists on advanced laser surgery procedures, which are clearly outside their scope of practice. We also have reason to believe that a handful optometrists are already performing YAG capsulotomies in Wisconsin.

    Make no mistake, the threat to patients and the practice of Ophthalmology in Wisconsin is very real!

    While a growing number of states have expanded their optometric scope of practice laws to specifically allow optometrists to perform certain office-based laser procedures – with Virginia and Colorado being the latest—current Wisconsin law prohibits these lasers surgeries from being performed by ODs.

    Unfortunately, that has not prevented brazen efforts to train Wisconsin optometrists on these procedures, with the goal of fully opening the door for ODs to provide laser surgeries across the state.

    The good news is the WAO is fully committed to protecting patient safety and will take appropriate legal action to prevent unlawful surgical procedures that put patients at risk.

    The other concern is that Wisconsin optometrists will unite to pursue an advocacy campaign to allow ODs to perform laser surgeries. WAO is confident it is a matter of when and not if we will face an optometrist scope of practice battle in Wisconsin.

    Thankfully, we have an opportunity to push back – and to secure patient safety and preserve the Ophthalmology scope of practice. But we can only do it with your help, as WAO member engagement will be critical to our success. With that in mind, I am asking you to act TODAY to help us meet the growing challenges we face. Here is how you can help:

    • If you aren’t already a member, please join the WAO and stay informed.
    • Meet and get to know your state legislators (through the WAO Capitol Connection Program). Please contact the WAO office at wao@badgerbay.org if you would like to meet with your state lawmakers or host a legislative tour at your facility.
    • Join your physician colleagues at the annual Wisconsin Doctor Day (June 15, 2023) at the State Capitol to advocate for Ophthalmology and the House of Medicine.

    While engaging in WAO grassroots advocacy is easy and doesn’t require much time, I do understand firsthand the challenges of fitting “another task” into your busy schedule. However, I am making this personal request because it is critically important. As John F. Kennedy once said, “There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long-range risks of comfortable inaction.”

    In closing, I would again urge you to get involved and stay involved to help enhance the practice of Ophthalmology and protect patient safety in Wisconsin.

    Please contact the WAO at wao@badgerbay.org with any questions or for more information on this important issue.

Contact Us

Wisconsin Academy of Ophthalmology

563 Carter Court, Suite B
Kimberly, WI 54136
Ph: 920-560-5645 • WAO@badgerbay.co

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