As was reported in the March edition of the WAO Advocacy Newsletter, Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) legislation (SB 145 / AB 154) has been introduced that would authorize APRNs to prescribe medication and generally practice an expanded scope of care without direct physician supervision.
A public hearing bill on the bill is expected sometime in May, and the WAO along with the broader Wisconsin “House of Medicine” remain steadfast in their opposition to the bill. Unfortunately, the proposal largely ignores months of negotiations between stakeholders to find a workable agreement and does not include any of the "compromise" language Gov. Evers proposed in his 2023-25 Biennial Budget bill to ensure patient safety protections.
The physician community hopes to find a workable compromise on the bill that includes at the very least the following provisions:
- Truth-in-advertising (i.e., physician title protection) provisions that would prevent the use of specific words and terms in titles, advertising, and descriptions of services by medical professionals who are not physicians;
- An appropriate level of education and clinical experience required of APRNs prior to independent practice; and
- Requiring proper physician oversight of nurses who are providing pain management services.
CLICK HERE to review a “side-by-side” analysis of the bill that has now been introduced by lawmakers compared the APRN language Gov. Evers included in his state budget proposal.